Groveland Newborn Portraits

featuring a warm holiday vibe, lots of twinkle lights, and a fluffy golden retriever

Does it get much better than that? I think not! If you know me you know I am partial to all furry friends, but the floof of a golden is irresistibly delightful in my book. This whole portrait session was so wonderfully calm, with a home so warm and cozy and full of the most perfect holiday decor. The warm twinkle lights everywhere add so much warmth to these portraits, and they were just so much fun to play around with. The charm of these mid-century homes in and around the North Shore is undeniable, and I find myself more often than not leaving portrait sessions with ideas for my own space. So if you are looking for some charming holiday home decor, you have stumbled into the correct gallery!

I love a newborn session where we have some sleepy time and some awake time, the best of both worlds in my book. We got some sweet little detail shots and snuggle time with mom and dad, and then Tanner woke up and we could see his cute little personality show through. This little man was so curious, with his eyes so big looking around his home. So sweet and calm and chill. Like any teeny tiny baby, I am sure he has his moments of chaos, but on this day we were smooth sailing for this snuggle fest.

I love these portraits so much- and I am so excited to share them with you all!

xo am