Coastal Maine Engagement Photography

with gorgeous calm ocean, a beautiful sky, and a very excited dog

Oh I am SO very excited to get these photos up on the blog today. Capturing love against the picturesque backdrop of Coastal Maine is a dream come true. The rugged coastline, quaint fishing villages, and serene lighthouses create a perfect setting for timeless engagement photos. The natural beauty of the region serves as a stunning canvas, enhancing the connection between the couple as they explore rocky shores or stroll along sandy beaches. The soft hues of the ocean and the warmth of the sun filtering through the clouds add a touch of magic to every frame. Each shot tells a unique love story, framed by the charm and tranquility of the calm inlet beaches. And then you throw a in a dog who is maybe a bit too excited by the beach and the waves and the birds and the other dogs in the area and me, definitely excited to see me. What you then get are the most hilarious photos of a dog you might see this year. Excited is an understatement. Thrilled & elated, Sebastian stole the scene there for a solid 10 frames. Between being in the air or sticking out his tongue, his true personality was captured beautifully.

So yes, Maine is gorgeous as are Alex and Melanie. I love Maine, send me to Maine any day of the week and I am a content bird. But also, bring your dogs. Thank you.

xo am